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Celebrating National Cherry Pie Day


Today is National Cherry Pie Day


A slice of apple pie, could arguably be considered the quintessential American dessert, but, not too far behind (at least on our list), is the sweet and savory Cherry pie.  Conveniently, the day after Presidents Day (remembering the story of President Washington and the cherry tree), National Cherry Pie Day is a day for all lovers of this exceptional dessert to enjoy everything about this tasty treat, from its flaky crust to its tart fruit filling.

There are many elements that go into making a delicious cherry pie, and you may be asking yourself, “How can I even begin to recreate such a timeless classic?” Don’t worry, we have you covered with a recipe from our talented pastry chefs at Farmview.

Rainier Cherry Pie


1                                          9-inch pie crust
2 lbs.                                Rainier cherries, pitted, stems removed
1/2                                    Lemon, juiced
1/2 cup                          Sugar
1/4 cup + 1 tbsp.       Cornstarch

1/3 cup                         All-purpose flour
1/3 cup                         Rolled old fashioned oats
1/2 cup                         Brown sugar
1/2 tsp.                         Salt
6 tbsp.                          Butter, cold and cubed



Remove the stem and pits from cherries. Wash clean.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Prepare your filing by mixing cherries, lemon juice, sugar and cornstarch together in a medium mixing bowl.

Next, prepare your crumb topping. In a medium size mixing bowl, place flour, rolled oats, sugar, salt in bowl and mix well with hands or whisk.

Cut butter in with a fork or your fingers until butter reaches pea size pieces in your flour mixture, similar to making biscuits. Set aside.

Place pie crust on cookie sheet, and pour filling into bowl, scraping all goods into pie shell.

Take your crumb mixture and sprinkle all over the top of the filling, not pressing it down, but letting it float.

Bake pie at 400 degrees for 25 minutes.

Turn oven down to 350 degrees and continue baking for 25 minutes or until golden brown.
