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Chill Out this August with Lavender-Infused Recipes


Of all the herbs, flowers, and natural herbal remedies, lavender is among the most popular. Lavender, or Lavendula, is a species of flower that is considered native to the Old World. Early documents report that the flower has been used as an herb for over 2,500 years, and also in foods and recipes.

It is said that Queen Elizabeth I fancied a lavender conserve (jam) at her royal table. But it was Queen Victoria of England who made the flower famous as it was used for air-freshening and washing/drying linens. Additionally, French lambs have grazed on fields of lavender for many decades to make their meat more fragrant and flavorful.

Not only is lavender prized for its unique floral aroma and flavor, but it also comes with numerous health benefits.

lavender-infused recipes

As an herbal remedy, lavender is famous for relieving stress and relaxing the body and mind. Neurological studies conducted with lavender suggest that the flower enhances dopamine receptors in the brain. Dopamine is the natural neurotransmitter responsible for reward, pleasure, and motivation.

Lavender in your bath products is no secret. Did you know that there’s more than one reason why? Not only is the aroma soothing and relaxing at bathtime, but lavender also contains antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties while still being mild on the skin.

Since we're at the peak of summer heat, we curated a few unique lavender-infused recipes to help you chill out all month long. These recipes are both refreshing and relaxing. Keep in mind that culinary lavender used in recipes is English Lavender (to ensure that your relaxing creations are edible). *Disclaimer: Ingestion of essential oils is a debated subject. We do not advocate ingesting lavender essential oil without speaking with your health care provider.

Relaxing Lavender-Infused Recipes:


lavender-infused recipes Recipe via All Recipes

DIY Herbes de Provence Spice Blend

This seasoning is delicious on grilled chicken, and pairs nicely with chicken caesar salad.


2 tbsp.                  Dried rosemary
1 tbsp.                  Fennel seed
2 tbsp.                  Dried savory
2 tbsp.                  Dried thyme
2 tbsp.                  Dried basil
2 tbsp.                  Dried marjoram
2 tbsp.                  Dried English lavender
2 tbsp.                  Dried Italian parsley
1 tbsp.                  Dried oregano
1 tbsp.                  Dried tarragon
1 tsp.                     Bay powder


Grind rosemary and fennel seed; transfer to a mixing bowl. Stir savory, thyme, basil, marjoram, lavender, parsley, oregano, tarragon, and bay powder with the rosemary and fennel. Store in an airtight container between uses.

Other Suggested Uses:

Herbes de Provence is perfect for adding a little French flair to any dish! This seasoning also works well on potatoes, French fries, fish, or pork.

lavender-infused recipes Recipe via Epicurious

Lovely Lavender Ice Cream

This is the perfectly chill summertime treat. The directions require an ice cream maker.


2 cups                  Heavy cream
1 cup                     Half-and-half
2/3 cup                Local honey
2 tbsp.                  English lavender flowers, dried
2                              Large eggs
1/8 tsp.                Salt
Instant-read thermometer and ice cream maker


Bring cream, half-and-half, honey, and lavender just to a boil in a 2-quart heavy saucepan over moderate heat, stirring occasionally, then remove the pan from heat. Let steep, covered, 30 minutes.

Pour cream mixture through a fine-mesh sieve into a bowl and discard lavender. Return mixture to cleaned saucepan and heat over moderate heat until hot.

Whisk together eggs and salt in a large bowl, then add 1 cup of the hot cream mixture in a slow stream, whisking. Pour the remaining hot cream mixture in a saucepan and cook over low heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, until thick enough to coat back of a spoon, or it reaches 170-175 degrees, about 5 minutes (do not let boil).

Pour custard through a sieve into a cleaned bowl and cool completely, stirring occasionally. Chill, covered, until cold, at least 3 hours. Freeze custard in ice cream maker. Transfer ice cream to an airtight container and put in freezer to harden.

lavender-infused recipes Recipe via Small Footprint Family

Lavender Lemonade + Popsicles

Not only is lavender perfect for infusing your water or favorite lemonade and tea recipes, but you can also make relaxing popsicles with these lavender-infused beverage creations!


1 cup                     Local raw honey
5 cups                  Water
1 tbsp.                  English lavender, dried (or 1/4 cup fresh lavender blossoms, crushed)
1 cup                     Lemon juice, freshly squeezed and strained
Ice cubes
Lavender sprigs for garnish


Bring 2 1/2 cups of water to boil in a medium pan. Remove from heat and add honey, stirring until dissolved. Add the lavender to the honey water, cover, and let steep at least 20 minutes or up to several hours, to taste. You can put the lavender into a tea infuser or reusable tea bag for easier cleanup.

Strain mixture and compost or discard of the lavender. Pour infusion into a glass pitcher. Add lemon juice and approximately another 2 1/2 cups of cold water, to taste. Stir well. Refrigerate until ready to use, or pour into tall glasses half-filled with ice, then garnish with lavender sprigs.

If you’d like to try southern lavender-infused sweet tea, repeat the steps of steeping the lavender in 2 1/2 cups boiling water, and then add to another 2 1/2 cups of your favorite tea recipe.


lavender-infused recipes Recipe via Everyday Dishes

Lavender-Lemon Tea Cookies

These can be enjoyed in addition to your lavender-infused recipes for tea or lemonade, or by themselves! These little lavender glazed cookies are sure to be a new favorite for your cookie jar.


1 1/2 c                  Powdered sugar
1 c                          Unsalted butter, softened
1 tsp.                     Vanilla extract
1 tsp.                     Lemon zest
1                              Egg
2 1/2 c                  Flour
1 tsp.                     Baking soda
1 tsp.                     Cream of tartar
1/2 - 1 tsp.          English lavender, dried

For the Glaze:

1/2 cup                 Powdered sugar
1 tbsp.                   Milk
1/2 tsp.                 Vanilla extract
1 tsp.                      English lavender, dried


Mix powdered sugar, butter, vanilla, lemon zest and egg in a large mixing bowl. Stir in flour, baking soda, cream of tartar and lavender until combined. Place dough between 2 pieces of parchment paper and roll to about 1/4" thickness then refrigerate for at least 1 hour.

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Remove dough from refrigerator and place on a floured surface. Cut the dough into circles using a cookie cutter and place on a parchment lined cookie sheet. Bake 7-8 minutes or until edges are just golden. Remove from oven and cool completely on a rack.

Mix together powdered sugar, milk, vanilla and lavender. Dip the tops of the cookies into the glaze and return to the rack to set. Enjoy!

We hope these soothing lavender-infused recipes help you chill out this month. This fall, we are excited to offer a Make-and-Take workshop through Farmview Schoolhouse to create beautiful, fresh lavender wreaths using locally-sourced dried lavender from Daybreak Farm in Loganville, Georgia. Instructor Gail Zorn will lead this workshop on October 21. For more info and to register, visit this link.

*Note: Our workshops have student minimum and maximum numbers. Please register early to ensure you get a spot!